The study also discovered that almost all the current interface design standard used by HCI experts for the design of user’s interface were not effective & supportive of emerging technologies due to the flexibility nature of these technologies. The study found that the current HCI design approaches were based on desktop paradigm which falls short of providing location-based services to mobile platforms users. This paper, review current articles (43) related to HCI interface design approaches to modern information systems design with the aim of identifying and determining the effectiveness of these methods. As the number of mobile platforms users, nowadays comprises of children’s, elderly people, and people with disabilities or disorders, all demanding for an effective user interface that can meet their diverse needs, even on the move, at anytime and anywhere. Nowadays modern information systems (emerging technologies) are increasingly becoming an integral part of our daily lives and has begun to pose a serious challenge for human-computer interaction (HCI) professionals, as emerging technologies in the area of mobile and cloud computing, and internet of things (IoT), are calling for more devotion from HCI experts in terms of systems interface design. Also, datable changes in the landscape can meanwhile be simulated.Īstronomical elements added to a game engine can also be used to faithfully provide important insights while providing the most appealing visualisation environments so far, but with considerably more effort. Open-source development allowed the combination of a desktop planetarium with 3D landscape and architecture visualisation. Occasionally, the “landscape” concept must be extended to include the celestial landscape. Virtual archaeology can help to better understand archaeological remains embedded in the landscape. The entrances to the KGA of Lower Austria turned out to be mostly oriented following a purely terrestrial pattern of up- and downward sloping terrain, but with one noteworthy exception. The third presents a “serious gaming” approach, which can provide the most natural view of the landscape, but requires at least some, if not deep, familiarity with astronomical and 3D computer graphics programming and, therefore, due to this considerably larger effort, appears to be mostly useful for outreach of high-profile results to the public. The second introduces a set of extensions to the open-source desktop planetarium program Stellarium, which can meanwhile be used to load a standard 3D model format to allow detailed research in astronomical orientation patterns, and light-and-shadow interaction over many millennia, even for researchers less familiar with astronomical programming.

The first way involves extensions to the modelling program SketchUp to bring in just enough astronomical data for scientific evaluation. Starting from data analysis in a Geographical Information System (GIS), we will cover a simple way of modelling, and discuss three ways of visualisation for the combination of landscape and human-made buildings together with celestial objects.
There are also mobile apps for Android and iOS.P>This paper describes developments in virtual archaeology that started in a research project about the possible astronomical entrance orientation of Neolithic circular ditch systems (German Kreisgrabenanlagen, KGA) of Lower Austria. The Stellarium virtual planetarium is available as programs for Windows, macOS and Linux in the main formats, as well as in the web version: It is possible to display an artistic image of the constellations in various styles. Each available object can be zoomed in for detailed study. All the planets of the solar system and their major moons are present. When additional catalogs are connected, virtual observation of 210 million stars is available.
The standard project library includes more than 600,000 stars, including more than 120,000 from the archive of the European Hipparcos Space Telescope.
The Windows client now also supports user location functionality.

In the release first version, the detail of objects has increased, the lighting model has been updated, and support for high-resolution displays has been improved. The project is available as applications for Windows, macOS and Linux, there is also a web version and mobile applications. After more than 20 years of development, the virtual planetarium Stellarium 1.0 was released.