Tip: You can use the grass to cover any flaw on the surface. Also cover the outer surface of water poring container using grass. Next, take the grass and using glue fix it over the boundary of the base. Fix the battery and the switch behind the water pouring container so it is not visible at the front but at the same time we can easily switch ON/OFF the bulbs. Fix the 5 bulbs on different places on the base using a tape and if some extra wire is left fix it at the bottom of the base using tape. Now, it's turn for our lighting setup to be placed on the base. On the pizza saver, put some double sided tape and then place the water pouring conatiner and the robot decoration which is fixed on it on the pizza saver. Take the base and place the pizza saver in it and attach it to the edge of the base by using tape. But if no, then you can tell me in the comments, so that I can try my best to solve your problem. Switch ON to check whether the circuit is working or not. ( In the image shown above, in some places, I have not used the combination of red and black wire, so please take the help of description to understand it well.) Connect the positive (red) wire of the battery with the lump of 5 positive (red) wires. Next, connect the negative (black) wire of the battery with one pin of the switch and connect the lump of 5 negative (black) wires with another pin of switch. (Both the positive (+) and the negative (-) sign are marked over the battery.) I have used a 9 watt battery because it is difficult for a smaller battery to light 5 bulbs. Now, take the battery and connect the positive (red) with the positive terminal of the battery and the negative (black) wire with the negative terminal of the battery. In a way we can say that we are just left with one pair of wire. Now, connect all the 5 positive(red) wires together and then connect all the 5 negative (black) wires together. Connect the negative (black) wire with the negative pin of the bulb and the positive (red) wire with the positive pin. Take an LED bulb and a pair of electrical wires. This is a bit tricky part if you have never done this before but I have tried to explain this in the best way possible. We have used different colours because in nature, we will not find all the things of same shape and colour. Use brown colour and brownish yellow colour to paint some other stones. After mixing, it will look like grey colour.

To colour the stones, make a mixture of three parts white colour and one part black colour. Make sure you keep them of different sizes. Now take some clay and shape them into stones as shown in the image above. Put it aside for about half an hour and let it settle. Now mix this all and kneed properly with your hands. To add lotion to clay may not sound good but the main idea behind this is to prevent the clay from drying very quickly. After this, add 3 teaspoons glue, 2 teaspoons ceramic powder/ cornflour, 1 teaspoon lotion. You can also wear gloves to prevent the clay from sticking to your hands. On a plain surface, such as over a table, kneed it with hands. After 30 minutes, take the pieces out of the water and squeeze the water out of it. Soak the paper in water for about 30 minutes. Now, colour the backside of both the robots with yellow colour so that it looks beautiful when it rotates.įor making the stones, first we have to make the paper clay which we will mould into the shape of stones.įor making the clay, tear 4-5 sheets of tissue paper. As you can see in the image, fix the robots at 90° angle. To fix the robot on the straw, apply glue on one leg of both the robots and fix the two robots on both the ends of the bigger straw. Remember, do not cover the lower part or you will face difficulty in the next step. Now, cover the upper half parts of both the cuttings with cardboard. But before that please print the 2 images of robot. So, when you have attached the three straws together, it's time to place the instructables robot on the straws. Tip: In place of the bigger straw you can also use a thin wood stick, so it can hold the weight easily but do not use wood stick in place of the smaller straws because then we will not be able to fit the stick on the seconds hand.

Place the two smaller straws at the bottom of the two holes and attach the smaller ones to the bigger one using a tape. Make another hole beside the previous one. Now take the bigger straw and make a hole at its center. Cut another two straws each of whose length is equal to half the size of the bigger straw. So for this, cut a straw of length which is equal to the diameter of the water pouring bowl. Now we will make the straw system on which the robot will move.